Friday, March 29, 2013

The Fall of Femininity (Part I)

Have you ever had one of those moments when you can see something awful is beginning to happen, it's as if the moment is in slow motion, and everyone else is either oblivious or they just don't care?

In recent days I have become alarmingly aware of a very disheartening and truly disturbing fact.  I feel that I am seeing the end of a beautiful, mysterious thing, and I fear that when it's gone there will be no possible way of getting it back.  Once it's gone, it will be sorely missed, yet we will not have the faintest clue of how to recreate it.  Even if we could it'd be a sad substitute to what used to be.

We are on the verge of losing something more valuable than any rare exotic bird, or precious gem.  The Heart of the Ocean cannot begin to compare to this exquisite treasure.

I am talking about the fall, or rather the death of "True Femininity".

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

I want to wish all of my subscribers and friends a wonderful and blessed New Year!!!

2012 was challenging yet great.  I learned a lot about myself.  I found some weaknesses that I plan to turn to strengths in the coming year, I also discovered a few strengths that I want to continue to nurture.

A little over four years ago I was diagnosed with anxiety.  Over the past four years I have fought hard to overcome it.  I've had some setbacks, but with the Lord's help and the support of my wonderful husband, I believe I am finally on the downhill slope to fully overcoming it!

I had never really talked much about the anxiety because it was a huge weakness in my life.  Since I'm a very independent person I literally HATED this weakness!  I didn't want anyone to know about it.  I wanted everyone to see me as the strong person I was so desperately portraying.  Once I finally realized that a weakness was just a strength waiting to be discovered, I was finally able to begin that epic war against the enemy (in this case anxiety) that was trying to rule my life.

There were days when all I wanted to do was stay in bed and CRY!!!  It was a continual battle!  And as battles go, I didn't always win.  I learned that the key to overcoming my anxiety was to never ever give up.  It was wonderful to know that I had the support of an amazing man, who wouldn't let me give up!  Ben was always there on the bad days to help me get back up and dust myself off and GET OVER IT!

I've failed a lot in the past four years, but I learned that it got easier to get back up and move on after I'd have yet another "melt down".  I learned that a failure is only a failure, when you fail to learn from it :-)

I've learned not to dwell on the depressing things in life.  I've learned to grab a hold of the things that make me feel happy and complete and not let them go.  I've learned that my God, my husband and my four beautiful girls mean more to me than life itself.  I am not complete without them.  I could never have overcome my anxiety without all three of those gifts.

My relationship with Jesus Christ enables me to be the wife and mother I need to be.  I've heard ignorant people make the statement "God/religion is just a crutch for weak minded people" that is the biggest falsehood I have ever heard!  How do I know that?  Because before I began to delve deeper into my relationship with the my Creator, the anxiety was taking me down.  I honestly did not think I would make it, I thought I was going crazy!  When I took my mind off my anxiety I was able to realize that every moment I spent dwelling on my problem I became weaker.

Five Keys to Overcoming Anxiety: 1) Cultivate a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Without Him we cannot succeed.  2) Support.  My husband was my one man support team. You need to find someone who is optimistic.  Someone with whom you are not afraid to be real, someone who wants you to be strong and beat this.  3) Learn what brings you down & avoid it.  In my case it was talk radio. I have not listened to it in four years.  There were some people that I had to stay away from until I was strong enough not allow their pessimism to affect me.   4) Take your vitamins!!!  Vitamin B-12 helps your nervous system and actually helps reduce anxiety. I actually started taking a combination of B-12 & Adaptuit which changed my life! You can check it out by going to this link.  5) Exercise!!!  For me it was running, but if that doesn't work for you, then find something that can help you sweat out your frustrations so they don't own you.  

I hope that you will beat your anxiety this year!!!  This is your year!!!  I would love to hear your stories, so feel free to e-mail me or comment on this post.