Think about it! When you exercise, your body releases endorphin's. This is a chemical that acts like a drug to stimulate that on top of the world feeling when you complete an important task or reach a climatic milestone in your life. Here's what Wikipedia has to say about endorphin's:
Endorphins ("endogenous morphine") are endogenous opiod peptides that function as neurotransmitters.[1] They are produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus in vertebrates during exercise,[2] excitement, pain, consumption of spicy food, love and orgasm,[3][4] and they resemble the opiates in their abilities to produce analgesia and a feeling of well-being.
The term implies a pharamacological activity (analogous to the activity of the corticosteroid category of biochemicals) as opposed to a specific chemical formulation. It consists of two parts: endo- and -orphin; these are short forms of the words endogenous and morphine, intended to mean "a morphine-like substance originating from within the body."[5]
When I started running I had absolutely no idea what it would do for my body, my self esteem and yes my MARRIAGE!!! I started running because I HATED to waste time working out to stupid workout video's. In my opinion it was a complete waste of my time. If I started running and worked on my speed I could work out my whole body in a short amount of time and be done with it.
When I started running I had absolutely no idea what it would do for my body, my self esteem and yes my MARRIAGE!!! I started running because I HATED to waste time working out to stupid workout video's. In my opinion it was a complete waste of my time. If I started running and worked on my speed I could work out my whole body in a short amount of time and be done with it.
I've always struggled with my body image and self esteem. I wasn't a depressed person but I was prone to, let's call them "melancholy moments." I'd had some issues with anxiety and had begun the up hill struggle to recovery and it was going well. When I began to run... WOW!!! What an amazing rush!!! I started noticing an improvement in my confidence levels, my online courses also gave me a boost, but I wonder if I'd have even made the decision to take those courses if I hadn't started running? For the first time in my life "I could do it!!!" Could do what? "I could do anything!" I even started learning Italian which has been on my bucket list for quite a while (along with actually going to Italy and going on a three mile run with George Bush... not in Italy.)
Of course I also noticed a change in my physical appearance, I wasn't over weight by any means at 130 lbs I looked great according to my husband ;-)... but that wasn't enough for me. I didn't "feel" like I looked great. When a woman doesn't feel good about herself it's hard to be adventurous in the bedroom and I was definitely NOT adventurous and I was assuredly not comfortable instigating "romantic encounters". After almost 12 years of marriage you'd think it'd be like clock work. It wasn't! I wasn't comfortable in my own skin and it affected our sex life.
Running has changed our marriage and much to my husbands delight it's changed our sex life!
I thought I was the only one noticing these changes in myself until one day I was talking to Ben about how great I've felt since I've started running. He told me he'd noticed the changes as well and was more than happy to start running with me when he could... especially since he often gets lucky after we have good run... ;-)
Of course I also noticed a change in my physical appearance, I wasn't over weight by any means at 130 lbs I looked great according to my husband ;-)... but that wasn't enough for me. I didn't "feel" like I looked great. When a woman doesn't feel good about herself it's hard to be adventurous in the bedroom and I was definitely NOT adventurous and I was assuredly not comfortable instigating "romantic encounters". After almost 12 years of marriage you'd think it'd be like clock work. It wasn't! I wasn't comfortable in my own skin and it affected our sex life.
Running has changed our marriage and much to my husbands delight it's changed our sex life!
I thought I was the only one noticing these changes in myself until one day I was talking to Ben about how great I've felt since I've started running. He told me he'd noticed the changes as well and was more than happy to start running with me when he could... especially since he often gets lucky after we have good run... ;-)
19px;">The purpose of this post is not about weight loss, it's about getting healthy and fit for the benefits it will produce in your life! When you feel great about yourself it will show in everything you do!
If you're having marriage/bedroom issues, get out there and start getting fit! It's contagious so pretty soon your spouse will be by your side getting in on your high.
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