Monday, June 20, 2011


I've not had much time to think about my blog since May 22, 2011.  Unless you live under a rock I'm sure you know that I'm referring to the EF5 tornado that hit Joplin Missouri on a Sunday evening, as a lot of church goers where getting ready to or already in church.

Since then I've been volunteering in any way I can think of.  There's so much pain and so much loss.  Some will recover fully, some will not.  Those who lost loved ones will never be able to replace what they've lost, with the Lord's help they can move on but they will never forget their loss.

Lives can be rebuilt, homes can be restored and business will recover, but the loss of a loved one is a scar that will remain in our lives.  Most of us know what it means to lose a loved one, but few of us will ever know the horror of losing a loved one in this tragic way.  My heart and prayers go our neighbors in Joplin, God bless you all, and my He grant you the peace to go on.

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