Monday, May 2, 2011

Phase 3: TLC Game

A recap on our TLC Game:

Blog Post "Convenient"
1)  For one week every time you think of one negative thought about your husband for any reason you must erase it with 3 positive.  At the end of the week sit down and write a list of all the positive things about your man.  Don't rush through it!  If you have to take all day do it, ponder it and each time you think of another wonderful or maybe just good thing about him write it down. 

Blog Post "Turn Off the TV"
2) No tv or movies for a solid week not even so much as a Star or Us magazine. Put it all away and focus on your marriage! 

Now for the next rule:

This week we will working on "information gathering".  Do your homework.  Find out what your man likes to do!  Regardless of what you might believe about the "male species" sex isn't the only thing they're interested in!  (thought that is vitally important to every marriage!)  Find where his favorite place to eat is if you don't already know.  What's his favorite dessert?    What's his favorite past time?  Gather as much information about your man as possible this week.  

Don't forget!  You are still practicing rules one and two along with this weeks phase.  

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