Monday, November 7, 2011

Marriage Advice From the Song of Solomon

After reading Linda Dillow’s amazing book, “What’s it like to be Married to Me?”  I was inspired to read through the Song of Solomon with a whole different mindset than I have had in the past.  I am reading through it this time as I would any other marriage book.  I used to read through the Song of Solomon quickly, almost blushing and the descriptions, and terminology!  Wow that book has a vernacular all it’s own!  With the help of esword, a few other sources and my wonderful husband, I am reading it through again with a new understanding.  

This time I am reading it with the intent of further enriching our marriage.  If ever there was a book with advice to husbands of wife about how great married sex should be… what an amazing manual!!!
I’m only just beginning to gather insight, but when I am finished I will share all that I’ve discovered in this truly beautiful love story!  There are so much wisdom hidden in the words of this wonderful book.   I have never in my life used a highlighter when reading this book, but I have also, never studied this book either!   As so many others, I have often wondered why this book was even in the Bible!  With the help of the Lord I hope to enlighten you! 

I cannot wait to share with you all that I am discovering!!!

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